Communication department presents Gallery X

Communication department presents Gallery X

On Thursday, Nov. 30, Tower Media photographers and photography students displayed their work in the Story Library during X period to CBC students, faculty and staff.

Each participant’s work from this semester was displayed on a printed board, and each student also submitted their best photo to be voted on by students and faculty.

Freshman Anna Crocker talked about her personal opinion of what photography means to her.

“Every student has their own unique vision of how photos should be taken,” said Crocker.

Whether through architecture, people watching, candids, sports, modeling or staging, the content of photography is up to the person holding the camera, said Crocker.

This was freshman Abigail Herring’s first time experiencing Gallery X.

“It’s neat being able to see other people’s talents and skills,” she said. “It builds their confidence and helps them pursue the career they are wanting to in the future.”

Clay Nance, personal admissions officer, named several benefits of Gallery X.

“Multimedia communication majors are exposed to not only an audience but also people who may be interested in hiring them to be a photographer,” said Nance.

Since Gallery X occurs every semester, there is an additional bonus, Nance said.

“The scenery of the library is always changing; plus, the incoming students get to experience Gallery X through the eyes of the photographers,” he said.

Last fall, sophomore Mary Rice was the faculty/staff photo winner of the Gallery X.

“When I found out I won I was ecstatic,” said Rice. “It felt great knowing that all the hard work I had put in throughout the semester had paid off. It was not so much that I won, but that I got to express myself through my love of photography.”

This semester’s student photo winner was sophomore Bailey McElyea, whose picture was of an engagement ring on a leaf.

“It was so exciting! I was kind of taken aback and thought to myself, ‘Oh, wow! People like my picture,’ ” said McElyea. “I love taking pictures and I have a photography page, so my mindset was, why not participate? I picked my two favorite pictures. I wasn’t expecting to win at all because there was so much talent represented.”


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