Jayla Kramer Photo by Hannah Varnado

Jayla Kramer

Where are you from? Conway, AR

Classification: Junior

Major/Minor:  Elementary Education

Desired job: Elementary Teacher

What do you do outside of class: I go to church on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings, watch tv, and hang out with friends. 

Birthday: January 5th, 2001

Favorite emoji: 😂

Favorite Food/snack: Popcorn

Favorite Sonic Drink:  Cherry Coke

Go to restaurant: Freddy’s 

Video shot and edited by Dillon Hall


  • Dillon Hall is the videographer/video editor for tower web. He is a senior majoring in Bible with a minor in Christian care and youth ministry.

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  • Hannah Varnado is a senior majoring in psychology with a minor in missions. She is not only a reporter for Tower Web but is a photographer and the Station Manager.

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