The music of today Photo Public Domain | Alan Levine

The music of today


Our world is full of music, with multiple different genres and sub-genres. If you can imagine a world without the background noise, you can imagine how empty it might be. A silent elevator or car ride is something we wouldn’t be used to.

There are many different types of genres of music, from rock to country, blues to jazz. With over 40 different types of music genres and even more sub-genres, the possibilities for music lovers are practically endless.

Different polls show preferences vary wildly. Out of 15 girls, the results were: 4 for rap, 8 for country, 2 for pop and 1 for Christian.

A running Facebook poll can be found here.

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With all of the different genres, some people are bound to listen to more than one. Alexa Golden is one of those people who has more than one favorite. “My favorite would have to be either pop or country,” Golden said she sometimes listens to rap as well. Her favorite artists are Ryan Stevenson, Kevin Gates, and Daya. “They are very uplifting and I enjoy listening to them,” said Golden.

Josh Burns’ favorite is mainly pop punk music, which is a sub-genre of both pop and punk, but his favorite band is Reliant K. “My favorite song by them is Death Bed, and its not as sad as it sounds. If you haven’t listened to them at all, you should check them out,” Burns’ said.

Brittany Holmes has a few different artists she enjoys, but her all time favorite is Rihanna. “Right now I really enjoy a new artist. Her first name is Sabrina, and she just came out with a new album!” Holmes said. Holmes said her favorite genre is R&B, and she enjoys rap but it isn’t her go to.

Music can be a connection between cultures across the world. It can bring you knowledge about something you might not understand, or make you feel different emotions.

With thousands of different genres, the amount of songs and fans are endless. You never know who might have the same interests as you, as there are not set rules as to who can enjoy what.


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